
  1. How code works in JavaScript (understanding execution contexts)

    September 2021

    So we have all been there wrapping our heads around some javascript (quirkiest language of the world) specific topics. I am gonna take a chance and explain one of those topics to make it easier for you. Let's get started with Execution contexts! First we need to know that what is a javascript engine? In layman terms, It is an engine which every browser has and it runs our javascript code in the browser. Javascript engine starts with creating the global execution context.

  2. How code works in JavaScript part-2(understanding scope & scope chain)

    September 2021

    Scope and scope chain are some fundamental concepts of JavaScript , which helps us understand how JavaScript works. Learning about these concepts can improve our debugging skills. Scope refers to a space or an area in which a particular variable is accessible. There are three types of scope in JS: Global scope, Function scope, Block scope.